God has an appointed time for you in Israel.
Retah McPherson and her family were involved in a near-fatal motorcar accident in 2004. Her eldest son, Aldo, was the only person who did not walk away from the accident scene. He sustained serious brain injuries due to the impact of the collision and was in a coma for months following the accident. During that time Aldo had a supernatural experience where he went to heaven, saw God, the angels, Moses and Abraham.
Aldo came back with one message: “Mommy, I need to tell the world that Jesus is alive!”
In obedience to this call to tell the world that Jesus is alive and that His bride has to ready herself for the Bridegroom, Aldo and Retah wrote a book titled, A Message from God. Since then they have also released their follow-up book A Message of Faith and in 2011, A Message of Hope.
Retah is a Christian Public Speaker and travels around the world proclaiming the coming of the King of kings. The office is situated in Stellenbosch, South Africa.
“I’ve always confessed that I’m a Christian. I’ve always known God. I believed in the Holy Trinity and even served God. Yet, when I look back now I realize that I was merely living a good life filled with good deeds. I didn’t really know God’s character and I had no idea what it meant to be completely sold out to Him – which is the only sacrifice that is ever acceptable In His sight. I had to live through a terrible tragedy and huge suffering, before I was finally willing to sacrifice everything, including my son to God. Only after all that, did I hand over control of my life to Him and did I get to know Him personally. All this pain was so unnecessary! Jesus had already paid the price in full. After I had given my life to Him as a living sacrifice, I could get in line with God’s perfect plan for my life – to live in a love relationship with the living God!
Only then could I say that it didn’t matter whether I lived or died, as long as I glorified God. For a long time I thought it was my husband’s responsibility to make me happy, but the truth is no human being can make you completely happy. Only Jesus can do that for you. He is the ANSWER to all questions; the SOLUTION to all your problems, the FULFILMENT of all your needs and desires. He is ALL things to ALL men!
I tried to quench my thirst with all sorts of things like perfectionism, fame, wealth and achievement. But, now that the fire of the Holy Spirit has purified me from the inside out, I know Jesus is the fountain of living water.
He is the only One who can quench my thirst forever."
Know one thing for sure: Jesus is alive!" – Retah McPherson
To learn more about this supernatural journey please visit:
or contact Retah McPherson’s office at:
Telephone: +27 (0) 82 610 5757 (South Africa)
E-mail: office@retahmcpherson.com